How to Earn All of Your Truck Driver Safety Bonuses

How to Earn All of Your Truck Driver Safety Bonuses

Truck driving is a demanding profession that comes with its own set of risks and challenges. As a result, many trucking companies have implemented safety bonuses to encourage their drivers to adopt safer driving habits and practices. These bonuses are typically awarded to drivers who meet certain safety standards, such as avoiding accidents, adhering to speed limits, and maintaining their vehicles in good condition. In this article, we will discuss truck driving safety bonuses, and provide tips for how drivers can earn their bonuses.

Tips for How Drivers Can Earn Their Safety Bonuses

Maintain a Clean Driving Record

One of the most effective ways for truck drivers to earn a safety bonus is to maintain a clean driving record. This means avoiding accidents, traffic violations, and other infractions that could negatively impact their driving record. Drivers who have a history of safe driving are more likely to be eligible for safety bonuses, as they demonstrate a commitment to safe and responsible driving practices.

Adhering to Traffic Laws

Another important factor in earning a safety bonus is adhering to speed limits and other traffic laws. Speeding is a leading cause of accidents and can result in serious injuries or fatalities. By driving within the posted speed limits and obeying other traffic laws, truck drivers can reduce the likelihood of accidents and improve their chances of earning a safety bonus.

Maintain Your Truck

Maintaining a well-maintained vehicle is also critical to earning a safety bonus. This includes performing regular maintenance checks, such as checking tire pressure, oil levels, and brakes. Drivers should also inspect their vehicles before every trip to ensure that all systems are functioning properly. By keeping their vehicles in top condition, drivers can reduce the risk of accidents and demonstrate their commitment to safety.

Additional Training or Certifications

Truck drivers can also earn safety bonuses by completing additional training or certification programs. Many companies offer training programs that focus on topics such as defensive driving, hazard awareness, and safe handling of hazardous materials. By completing these programs, drivers can improve their knowledge and skills, which can translate into safer driving practices on the road.

Be Proactive About Safety

Another important factor in earning a safety bonus is being proactive about safety. This means reporting any potential safety hazards or concerns to their employer, such as unsafe working conditions, faulty equipment, or other issues that could impact their safety on the road. By reporting these concerns, drivers can help their employer identify and address potential safety issues before they become major problems.

Communicate Safety Concerns

Finally, it is important for truck drivers to communicate effectively with their employer about safety concerns and issues. This includes reporting any accidents or incidents that occur on the road, as well as providing feedback about safety procedures and policies. By working closely with their employer, drivers can help to ensure that safety is a top priority and that they are rewarded for their commitment to safe and responsible driving practices.

Barr-Nunn’s Safety Bonus Program

In order for drivers to earn their safety bonuses, they must pass the following eligibility rules:


  • No preventable accidents
  • No CSA driver-related violations as identified in the CSA Driver Safety Measurement System
  • Must immediately report any violation or accidents to the safety department
  • Bonus = $700 – $1025 plus 1 day of PTO earned every 90 days


  • No preventable on-road accidents
  • Must immediately report any on-road accident to the safety department
  • Bonus = $600 earned every 90 days

Truck driving safety bonuses are an important tool for encouraging safe and responsible driving practices. By maintaining a clean driving record, adhering to speed limits and traffic laws, maintaining a well-maintained vehicle, completing additional training, being proactive about safety, and communicating effectively with their employer, drivers can improve their chances of earning a safety bonus. Ultimately, by prioritizing safety on the road, Barr-Nunn truck drivers can help to reduce the risk of accidents and ensure a safer and more efficient transportation industry for all.

To learn more about Truck Driving options with a Certified Top-Pay Carrier, contact us at Barr-Nunn Transportation.

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