What Is Regional Truck Driving?

Barr-Nunn Transportation Truck showing Regional Truck Driver

A regional truck driver is a professional driver who operates within a specific geographic region, typically covering a designated area or several neighboring states. Unlike long-haul drivers, regional truck drivers generally have shorter routes and return home more frequently, contributing to a more localized and predictable work schedule. A CDL license today allows truckers to…

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What to Look for in OTR Truck Driving Companies

Semi-truck showing the word industry on the side circled in read with sharpie leaning on it. OTR Truck Driving Companies

You have been driving a truck for a few years and are starting to look around at other opportunities. Once you decide whether to work for a private fleet, as a team driver, drive oversized rigs, operate hazmat vehicles, heavy haul, flat, tanker, into reefer or dry van – it is time to find the…

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6 Reasons Why You Should Become a Team Truck Driver

Two Barr-Nunn Transportation drivers standing in front of a company truck, Become a Team Driver

Some people love the idea of striking out on their own. Not only are they free to carve their own way, but they’re also free to make their own mistakes. But when it comes to succeeding in the trucking industry, too many solo drivers end up learning the hard way that it doesn’t pay to…

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What Makes Truck Driving an Essential Service?

Semi-truck showing the Barr-Nunn logo, essential services

Amid the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic that hit the nation full-force, all jobs have now been divided into two categories–essential services and nonessential services. Most recognize the important role doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals play in this medical catastrophe; however, other industries are just as essential when it comes to keeping the country moving. Most…

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Team Trucking in 2020 and Beyond

Barr-Nunn team driver standing by a truck in 2020

Team trucking is on the rise in 2020, and it is poised for years of growth. What are the main reasons team trucking is taking off? Friends are teaming up and hitting the road. Many women are getting into trucking as a second career, and many enjoy coming on board as team truckers. New truckers…

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